Minecraft Errors In Currently Selected Datapacks (2025)

1. Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading ...

  • Meer resultaten van forums.minecraftforge.net

  • Hello

2. World cannot load due to "errors in currently selected datapacks" when ...

  • 25 sep 2022 · Never used a datapack before, only mods. I tried to load the mod without any mods, but the same error popped up. I can't seem to find a salution ...

  • *Note: I have never run data packs in this world. The world was created with the Fabric mod launcher, but the mods have long since been deleted. I have played this world in vanilla Minecraft several times since then without issue, and therefore believe it might have roots in vanilla Minecraft.*

3. Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading ...

4. Errors in currently selected datapacks on all worlds - MCreator

  • 18 dec 2021 · Recently whenever I attempted to load a world I would get 'Errors in currently selected datapacks'. This also happened when I tried to make ...

  • Recently whenever I attempted to load a world I would get 'Errors in currently selected datapacks'. This also happened when I tried to make a new world. When I tried looking for a solution none of them worked and there are no answers on the MCreator Forums Log: https://pastebin.com/jhdjE1AQ

5. Issue with Mod with biomes - Errors in currently selected data packs ...

  • 12 jun 2024 · Hello! So I have a mod. It contains 2 biomes that I've set up in MCreator. It plays just fine, but if I then remove that mod from Forge and ...

  • Hello!  So I have a mod. It contains 2 biomes that I've set up in MCreator. It plays just fine, but if I then remove that mod from Forge and try to load any world that previously used it I get the message - 'Errors in currently selected data packs prevented the world from loading'   It gives me the option to load with only the Vanilla data pack, but then I just get -'invalid or corrupted save data'  

6. [MC-259033] "Safe Mode" not working - Jira - Mojang

  • 8 jan 2023 · When booting up a world it says "Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You could either try to load it ...

  • When booting up a world it says "Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You could either try to load it with only the vanilla datapack "(Safe Mode)", or go back to the title screen and fix it manually." When I pressed on "Safe Mode" it froze for a second then did nothing. I went into a different world and did /datapack list and it showed that I only had the vanilla datapack on.

7. Troubleshooting Issues with Minecraft Datapacks - Nodecraft

  • 29 aug 2020 · Loading Order of Datapacks Can Cause Conflicts · Some Datapacks Require Specific Resource Packs · The pack.mcmeta File is in the Wrong Location.

  • Learn how to troubleshoot some common issues with Minecraft datapacks.

8. "Errors in currently selected datapacks" | Forum Minecraft n°1 en France

  • 14 jan 2023 · Sujets similaires. E. Question. The state engine was in incorrect state CONSTRUCTING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been ...

  • Je post ça ici et dans le discord parce que je suis vraiment en détresse.... Ma game ne se lance plus et m'affiche ça, j'ai suppr le .minecraft en, sauvegardant la partie, elle ne se lance toujours pas, j'ai suppr le launcher et reDL, toujours pareil, que faire ? j'avoue je suis désespéré car...

9. Bug tracker - Ticket #17496 - [9.0.0] Data pack validation failed

  • Creating a new world gives me the error of "Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You can either try to load it with only ...

  • Pixelmon, the Pokemon Mod for Minecraft

Minecraft Errors In Currently Selected Datapacks (2025)
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