REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM (2025)

  1. REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM
  2. Tasks
  3. Inventory Management
  4. Recall NoticesV2
  5. Recall Lines
  6. Recall Serial Numbers
  • Request
  • Response

Get all recalled serial numbers




Path Parameters

  • HeaderId(required): integer(int64)

    The value of this parameter could be a hash of the key that is used to uniquely identify the resource item. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the collection resource with a filter to navigate to a specific resource item. For example: products?q=InventoryItemId=

  • LineId(required): integer(int64)

    The value of this parameter could be a hash of the key that is used to uniquely identify the resource item. The client should not generate the hash key value. Instead, the client should query on the collection resource with a filter to navigate to a specific resource item. For example: products?q=InventoryItemId=

Query Parameters

  • dependency: string

    This parameter specifies dependencies which are fields that are set before and rolled back after generating the response. Generally they are used to preview the effects of an attribute change. The fields specified in this parameter are always set in the resource instance in question. When a child resource collection is requested and the parameter is set, the fields will be set in the parent resource instance before generating the resource collection payload. The value of this query parameter is a set of dependency fields. Example: dependency=ProductId=2

    Format: <attr1>=<val1>,<attr2>=<value2>

  • expand: string

    When this parameter is provided, the specified children are included in the resource payload (instead of just a link). The value of this query parameter is "all" or "". More than one child can be specified using comma as a separator. Example: ?expand=Employees,Localizations. Nested children can also be provided following the format "Child.NestedChild" (Example: ?expand=Employees.Managers). If a nested child is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?expand=Employees.Managers" is the same as "?expand=Employees,Employees.Managers" (which will expand Employees and Managers).

  • fields: string

    This parameter filters the resource fields. Only the specified fields are returned, which means that if no fields are specified, no fields are returned (useful to get only the links). If an indirect child resource is provided (Example: Employees.Managers), the missing children will be processed implicitly. For example, "?fields=Employees.Managers:Empname" is the same as "?fields=;Employees:;Employees.Managers:Empname" (which will only return the "Empname" field for Managers). the value of this query parameter is a list of resource fields. The attribute can be a direct (Example: Employees) or indirect (Example: Employees.Managers) child. It cannot be combined with expand query parameter. If both are provided, only fields will be considered.

    Format: ?fields=Attribute1,Attribute2

    Format for fields in child resource: ?fields=Accessor1:Attribute1,Attribute2

  • finder: string

    Used as a predefined finder to search the collection.

    Format ?finder=<finderName>;<variableName>=<variableValue>,<variableName2>=<variableValue2>

    The following are the available finder names and corresponding finder variables

    • PrimaryKey Finds the serial number based on the primary key.
      Finder Variables
      • SerialId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the recalled serial number.
  • limit: integer

    This parameter restricts the number of resources returned inside the resource collection. If the limit exceeds the resource count then the framework will only return the available resources.

  • links: string

    This parameter can be used to show only certain links while accessing a singular resource or a resource collection. The parameter value format is a comma-separated list of : <link_relation>


  • offset: integer

    Used to define the starting position of the resource collection. If offset exceeds the resource count then no resources are returned. Default value is 0.

  • onlyData: boolean

    The resource item payload will be filtered in order to contain only data (no links section, for example).

  • orderBy: string

    This parameter orders a resource collection based on the specified fields. The parameter value is a comma-separated string of attribute names, each optionally followed by a colon and "asc" or "desc". Specify "asc" for ascending and "desc" for descending. The default value is "asc". For example, ?orderBy=field1:asc,field2:desc

  • q: string

    This query parameter defines the where clause. The resource collection will be queried using the provided expressions. The value of this query parameter is one or more expressions. Example: ?q=Deptno>=10 and <= 30;Loc!=NY

    Format: ?q=expression1;expression2

    You can use these queryable attributes to filter this collection resource using the q query parameter:

    • CreatedBy; string; User who created the record.
    • CreationDate; string; Date and time when the user created the record.
    • HeaderId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the recall notice header.
    • LastUpdateDate; string; Date and time when the user most recently updated the record.
    • LastUpdateLogin; string; User who most recently updated the record.
    • LastUpdatedBy; string; Name of the user who most recently updated the record.
    • LineId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the recall notice line.
    • LineNumber; integer; Number that identifies the recall notice line entered by the user.
    • LotId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the recalled lot.
    • MfgFromSerialNumber; string; Starting serial number as specified by the manufacturer in the recall notice.
    • MfgToSerialNumber; string; Ending serial number as specified by the manufacturer in the recall notice.
    • ObjectVersionNumber; integer; Number that identifies the object version. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. The number is incremented every time the record is updated. The number is compared at the start and at the end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the record since it was queried.
    • Quantity; number; Quantity of the recalled serial number. This is an optional value that's used to calculate ToSerialNumber when the quantity is added to From Serial Number.
    • SerialEntryMode; string; Mode whether to enter an individual serial or a serial in a range.
    • SerialId; integer; Value that uniquely identifies the recalled serial number.
  • totalResults: boolean

    The resource collection representation will include the "estimated row count" when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included. The default value is "false".

Header Parameters

  • Metadata-Context:

    If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".

  • REST-Framework-Version:

    The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

  • application/json

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.


  • Metadata-Context:

    If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".

  • REST-Framework-Version:

    The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.

Body ()

Root Schema : recallNoticesV2-recallLines-recallPartSerialNumbers

Type: object

Show Source

  • count(required): integer

    The number of resource instances returned in the current range.

  • hasMore(required): boolean

    Indicates whether more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in the response. If the value is true, then there are more resources to retrieve from the server. The default value is false.

  • items: array Items

    Title: Items

    The items in the collection.

  • limit(required): integer

    The actual paging size used by the server.

  • links(required): array Links

    Title: Links

    The link relations associated with the resource instance.

  • offset(required): integer

    The offset value used in the current page.

  • totalResults: integer

    The estimated row count when "?totalResults=true", otherwise the count is not included.

Nested Schema : Items

Type: array

Title: Items

The items in the collection.

Show Source

  • Array of: object recallNoticesV2-recallLines-recallPartSerialNumbers-item-response

Nested Schema : Links

Type: array

Title: Links

The link relations associated with the resource instance.

Show Source

  • Array of: object link

Nested Schema : recallNoticesV2-recallLines-recallPartSerialNumbers-item-response

Type: object

Show Source

  • CreatedBy: string

    Read Only: true

    Maximum Length: 64

    User who created the record.

  • CreationDate: string (date-time)

    Read Only: true

    Date and time when the user created the record.

  • HeaderId: integer (int64)

    Value that uniquely identifies the recall notice header.

  • LastUpdateDate: string (date-time)

    Read Only: true

    Date and time when the user most recently updated the record.

  • LastUpdatedBy: string

    Read Only: true

    Maximum Length: 64

    Name of the user who most recently updated the record.

  • LastUpdateLogin: string

    Read Only: true

    Maximum Length: 32

    User who most recently updated the record.

  • LineId: integer (int64)

    Value that uniquely identifies the recall notice line.

  • LineNumber: integer (int64)

    Title: Line Number

    Read Only: true

    Number that identifies the recall notice line entered by the user.

  • links: array Links

    Title: Links

    The link relations associated with the resource instance.

  • LotId: integer (int64)

    Value that uniquely identifies the recalled lot.

  • MfgFromSerialNumber: string

    Title: From Serial Number

    Maximum Length: 80

    Starting serial number as specified by the manufacturer in the recall notice.

  • MfgToSerialNumber: string

    Title: To Serial Number

    Maximum Length: 80

    Ending serial number as specified by the manufacturer in the recall notice.

  • ObjectVersionNumber: integer (int32)

    Number that identifies the object version. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. The number is incremented every time the record is updated. The number is compared at the start and at the end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the record since it was queried.

  • Quantity: number

    Title: Quantity

    Quantity of the recalled serial number. This is an optional value that's used to calculate ToSerialNumber when the quantity is added to From Serial Number.

  • SerialEntryMode: string

    Maximum Length: 60

    Default Value: ByRange

    Mode whether to enter an individual serial or a serial in a range.

  • SerialId: integer (int64)

    Value that uniquely identifies the recalled serial number.

Nested Schema : Links

Type: array

Title: Links

The link relations associated with the resource instance.

Show Source

  • Array of: object link

Nested Schema : link

Type: object

Show Source

  • href: string

    Title: hyperlink reference

    The URI to the related resource.

  • kind: string

    Title: kind

    Allowed Values: [ "collection", "item", "describe", "other"]

    The kind of the related resource.

  • name: string

    Title: name

    The name of the link to the related resource.

  • properties: object properties
  • rel: string

    Title: relation

    Allowed Values: [ "self", "lov", "parent", "canonical", "child", "enclosure", "action", "custom"]

    The name of the relation to the resource instance. Example: self.

Nested Schema : properties

Type: object

Show Source

  • changeIndicator: string

    Change indicator or the ETag value of the resource instance.

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REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM (2025)


What is the rest API in Oracle Fusion? ›

About the REST APIs

Oracle Customer Screening Cloud Service provides a Representational State Transfer (REST) API to perform user tasks in an automated manner. The REST API is an application-programming interface that provides a simplified way to exchange data through HTTP requests from a client to the server.

How to connect to Oracle database using rest API? ›

Navigate to the cURL CA Extract page at and download the cacert. pem SSL CA certificate file in the folder where you installed cURL. You are now ready to send REST requests to the Database REST API instance using cURL. See Authentication, and Use cURL.

What is the difference between SOAP and REST API in Oracle Fusion? ›

SOAP and REST represent two distinct methodologies for designing APIs. SOAP adopts a highly structured approach, employing XML as its data format, while REST opts for flexibility, enabling applications to exchange data in various formats.

What are the 4 most common REST API operations? ›

An API is a set of rules and specifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each other. The four most common REST API operations are create, read, update, and delete (CRUD).

How does REST API communicate with database? ›

Understanding APIs and Databases

Every API has its own attributes and communication methods. For example, A REST API utilizes standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for data exchange, while a SOAP API uses XML-based messaging. APIs can be classified into two primary categories: public and private/internal.

How do I connect to REST API? ›

Step #1 – Open your testing tool of choice. Step #2 – Enter the sample REST API URL in the URL textbox of the tool. Step #3 – Select the HTTP method used for this particular API—GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE. Step #4 – If required, enter any headers in the Headers textbox.

Can we call API from Oracle Database? ›

If you want to call (REST) APIs from PL/SQL then I recommend installing Oracle APEX in the database first (if it isn't already). Whichever route you go down, you'll need to ensure that the network allows the app/database to reach the API and you're using the right authentication method.

What is the Oracle cloud API? ›

Oracle API Gateway is a highly available virtual network appliance that can receive API calls at scale and route them to OCI back-end services, such as load balancers, compute, Kubernetes, and serverless functions.

How do I request a REST API? ›

The first REST API request in a session must be a sign-in request. This is a POST request that sends the user credentials in the body of the request. Because this is a POST request, the request must include the Content-Type header. You can send your the body of the request block as XML or JSON.

What will REST API do? ›

REST was initially created as a guideline to manage communication on a complex network like the internet. You can use REST-based architecture to support high-performing and reliable communication at scale. You can easily implement and modify it, bringing visibility and cross-platform portability to any API system.

What is API in fusion? ›

Fusion's REST APIs provide programmatic access to Fusion services and features. You can use the APIs to automate tasks, integrate Fusion with other systems, and build custom applications.

What the heck is REST API? ›

A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application programming interface that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. That data can be used to GET , PUT , POST and DELETE data types, which refers to reading, updating, creating and deleting operations related to resources.

What are the 4 components of REST API? ›

REST API methods and request structure

Any REST request includes four essential parts: an HTTP method, an endpoint, headers, and a body.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.