Knoxville Daily Tribune from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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VOLUME XLVL ICXOXVILLETENN WEDNESDAY MORNUSTG NOVEMBER 1889 NO 7205 NEW YORK majoritv disnstebes from Farquhan report I will be from 15000 to 20000 which may MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRATIC THE OHIO ELECTION HAMILTON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC BY FIVE THOUSAND Cefrv Virginia redeemed SAVED FROM THE SHAME AND DIS-GRACt OF MAHONEISM AND THE CURSE OF RADICALISM AND NEGRO DOMINATION THE INFLUENCE OF THE HARRISON ADMINISTRATION i' COMBINED WITH THE BOODLE OF QUAY AND DUDLEY be increased as the returns come in In some counties in the -Black th negroes voted with the Democrats TL next Legislature will be largely Democratic Richmond Va Nov -5 Richmond City gives McKinney 5473 majority with two precincts to hear fretm' which will probably increase it one hundred" I The Democratic gain over the vote of 1888 is 3500 Henrico county elects Davis to the house by 18 majority a Democratic gain of 650 It is now estimated that thia State has gone Democratic by 40 COO majority' -Roanoke Va Nov Election passed off quietly majority is 56 a Sain of 381 in the total vote of 2410 any Republicans did not vote at all It is estimated that the county will give over 600 Democratic majoritv a large gain Fort Monroe Va Nov 5 Elizabeth City county gives Mahone 1212 McKinney 658 Democratic gain ot 105 on the presidential election Harrisonburg Va Nov 6 Later returns show that Rockingham county has given nearlv 700 against Mahone a loss to the Republicans of nearly 1000 Alexandria Va Nov 5 Senator Barbour of the Virginia Democratic Committee estimates McKinnev's plurality in! the Statte at 17000 Charlottsvillk VaK Nov'S -Scattering returns from precincts in Alber marie county indicate a Dem ocratic majority ot 625 a large gain The city of Charlottsville gives 322 Democratic ma- jority a gain ot 55 Private advices from' Mauison and Green Point give large Dem ocratic gains Alexandria Va Nov Col Gor-1 don chairman of the State Democratic 1 Committee has received returns from nearly all parts of the State and he estimates the majority at over 25000 with fair prospects of it being largely increase1 The Legislature is over two thirds cratic Danville Va Nov 5 The estimated Democratic majority in Pittsylvania countyYfontaide 0f New York Oitv and Brooklyn) proper is 1600 a Democratic gain of 1200 -ve Rjce 61066 Gilbert 79173 the same This including Danville and North Danv 2i8tricts in 1887 gave Cooke 63223 Grant ville gives a Democratic majority of 2200 go095 These same districts show a net Other counties in the fiftn district ai Republican gain of 1235 over the vote i I I if McKinney receiving a heavy vote Indications are that the county will go Democratic by an increased majority Richmond Va Nov 5 -The fact veloped to-day tbat while the Democratic parade was in progressjlast night the Republicans were busily engaged shoving circulars and Republican tickets under the doors of white workingmen appealing to them tb' vote for Mahone Some of the tickets so distributed were Used at the polls today McCue one 6f the most prominent Republican leaders of Henrico county was arrested about midday charg ed with interfering with the judges of election at store in said county He was taken to the court house and "StAVNTON Va Nov Weather balmy and de ightful Ejection passed off quietly' and voting rapid At one 1105 votes bad been cast in the city The entire vote in 1888 was 1234 majority was 204 in the city will reach 400 There are indications from the county of a large vote and a Democratic majority of at least 1500 in the city and county majority was 998 in the same Richmond Va Nov Specials show a large vote being polled in Petersburg Some negroes are voting the Democratic ticket Farmville the home of the Demo cratic candidate for Governor is flooded to-day with a circular from Langston ap pealing to the negroes to vote for Mahone Some negroes are voting for McKinney The Democrats are making large gains in Fredericksburg Alexandria Va Nov 5 Dispatches received up to two this afternoon indicates a decided Democratic victory and that the majority may reach the proportions of the most sanguine expectations say 20000 LynchburA Va Nov Specials from all portions of Southwest Virginia show a heavy vote and largely increased majorities for the Democrats over 1888 Alexandria Va Nov 6 Hume Democrat for the House ol Delegates has a majority of 531 Lynchburg Va Nov 5 The Democratic majority in this city is 839 a gain of 600 over the vote at the presidential election in 1888 The legislative ticket in this district is solidly Democratic Richmond Nov 5 At unofficial returns from Rappahanock Russell Washington Halifax Bedford and Culpeper counties place the Democratic gains at about 160 The official vote of the city of Williamsburgh gives a Democratic gain of six Richmond Va Nov 5 Additional particulars fiom eleven counties and cities show a Democratic gain of 2300 over the presidential vote of 1888 Alexandria Va Nov 5 Dispatches received by Chairman Barbour indicate at this hour 8 Democratic gains throughout the State and that 'McKinney is 'elected Fauquier county gives McKinney 2200 estimated) Hume (Dem) for legislature carries Alexandria city by 631 majority a gain of 507 He carries the' county by 47 JrRrErHK6Nb gives McKinney about 1500 majority a gain ot about 2000 Wythe county nearly complete gives Democrats majority of about 500 and elects a Democratic to house of delegates The county was represented by a Republican in the last legislature Nineteen counties and cities in the state including Richmond Norfolk Staunton Danville and Lynchburg give a Democratic gain of about 9000 over the presidential vote of 1888 Staunton Va Nov 5 Staunton gives 412 majority for McKinney a Democratic gain on the presidential vote of 208 Republican loss on congressional vote of 1888 of 332 Indications are that the majority in the county will be between 1500 and 2000 against majority of 998 Winchester Va Nov 5 One-third of the county heard from shows a Democratic gain of 281 This indicates 1300 majority a gain of 400 over 1888 Win-cheiter by official votes gives 42 majority for McKinney a Democratic gain of 90 over last fall Danville Va Nov 6 Danville and North Danville give a Democratic majority of 667 a Democratic gain over the Presidential vote of 295 Pettsvlvania county is safely Democratic by a largely increased majority Twelve precincts in the county including Danville and North Danville show a Democratic gain of 1000 Harrisonburg Va Nov 6 Harrisonburg gives McKinney 252 majority This town gave Harrison 140 majority This county (Rockingham) gives McKionev about 450 majority It gave Harrison 280 a gain of over 700 lor the Democrats Me majority may reach 500 Norfolk Va Nov 5 The election in this city and Portsmouth passed od quietly In Norfolk county there was some little excitement at two precincts which was quickly quieted by the authorities The colored vote in this city fell off more than half the colored voters apparently taking little interest in the election Returns from this District show a decided Democratic gain over the last Presidential election Norfolk City which gave the Republicans 683 majority last fall has gone Democratic by 1887 Returns thus far received from Norfolk county indicate a Democratic gain of about 1700 and the returns up to 9:30 to-night show large Democratic gains in every town and county Richmond Nov At half past three this afternoon ajnegro judge of election at the first precinct in ackson ard left the room for half an hour When he returned he preferred charges against Preston Belvin and Smith Jr for obstructing voters The other two judges tried the case and discharged Belvin and Smith and required the negro judge to pay the costs This nettled the negro and he refused to serve as judge any longer This put a stop to voting but it whs resumed about 5 At the second precinct in the same ward Fred Mussy correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette got into a difficulty with a commercial traveler who dealt him several severe blows Several negroes were arrested for alleged illegal voting It is estimated that Richmond will give McKinney over three thousand majority a gain of more than one thousand Southampton county birth place has gone against him Alexandria Va Nov 5 Dispatches received at Democratic headquarters here show large gains in all parts of the State and indicate that the Democratic majority Democratic troeiiwelTe to Twenty Thousand majority By Associated Press to The Tribune New York ov 5 Th3 weather throughout the State is generally fair and cool Reports so far received indicate an vote In this city everything is quiet and a large amount of scratching is reported 738 election districts New York city out of 1019 give Secretary of State Gilbert (Republican) 45960 Rice (Democrat) 191603 For comptroller Cooke (Republican) 47052 Wewple (Democrat) 88-872 281 election districts in New York State outside of New York city and Brooklyn give Rice 85716 Gilbert 47823 The same districts in 1887 gave Cooke 37220 Grant 48446 1 iO districts out of a total of 376 in Brooklyn give for Secretary of State Rice 30829 Gilbert 16902 Sun bulletin says that the State has gone Democratic by 10000 majority 281 districts in New York State outside of New York city and Brooklyn show a net Republican gain over the vote of 1887 of 884 Thff Democratic vote for the same districts shows a tailing off ot 1507 the Republican vote a falling off of 623 Three hundred districts out of a total of 375 in Brooklyn give for Secretary of State Rice dem 53273 Gilbert rep 44337 The bulletin says indications are that Ur oklyn has gone Democratic by from 10000 tp 11000 403 election district in New York State outside ot New York City and Brooklyn gi re Rice 50809 Gilbert 66812 The same districts in 1887 gave Cook 62682 Grant 86479 Syracuse Nov 5 This city complete gives Gilbert tor Secretary of State 2073 majority This shows a Republican loss of 275 Returns received at police headquarters sEow that that the majority for Tammany hall on the local ticket will lie about 35000 -The election districts in New York State They show a falling off in the Democratic vote of 1887 of 2157 and a Republican tailing off of 922 ifi92 election districts in New York State outside of New York city and Brooklyn giye Rice 78004 Gilbert 101684 The same districts in 1887 gave Cook 82684 Grant 103306 The Tribune bulletin estimates the Republican gam in the State outiide of this city and Brooklyn over the vote of 1887 of about 8000 655 election districts in New York State of-New York and Brooklyn give Rice 88957 Gilbert 112803 The same districts! iri 1887 gave Cook 91571 Grant 111004' 779 election districts in New York State outside of New York City and Brooklyn give Rice 1084498 Gilbert 134793 The districts in 1887 gave Cook 108896 rm7mmmtT(D17Ktertr Cengress from the 9th district He received 15518 votes against 24 for John Thomas Prohibitionist New York Nov 5 905 election districts in New York State outside of New York City and Brooklyn give Rice 130-901 Gilbert 159898 The same districts in 1887 gave Cook 131344 Grant 153613 New York' City complete gives Rice 129091 Gilbert 66722 Wemple 126247 Cook 68602 Brooklyn Nov 5 Kings county complete gives Rice 69163 Gilbert 58-328 Mayor Capin is elected New York Nov 5 Nine hundred and eighty-six election districts in New York State outside of New York and Brooklyn give Rice 163572 Gilbert 174-080 The same distriots in 1887 gave Cook 142850 Grant 168483 MARYLAND Domes to the Front with an I or eased Democratic Majority Bv Associated Piess to The Tribune Baltimore Nov 6 Weather clear and bracing and a full vote being polled in elections here Both parties are confident but the regular Democrats are claiming their usual majority In this city up to 1 there has not been the slightest disorder Frederick Md Nov 5 A terrible election not occurred at the polling place in Woodsboro district this county this afternoon The county constable was shot judges were driven from the room and the ballot-box was taken The opposite factions arrayed themselves on each side ot the road and fired on each other The sheriff and a posse have left for the scene of trouble -Baltimore Md Nov 5 At 11:25 partial returns from city and county indicate that Baughman Democrat is reelected State Comptroller by about 11000 majority a gain of 200 on his former vote At 11:15 an American bulletin says Davidson Democrat candidate for major carries the city by 4500 indicated by returns of 12 wards out of 22 FenniylTanis By Associated Press to The Tribune Philadelphia Penn Nov 5 The only state officers voted for in Pennsylvania to day was State Treasurer The candidates were Henry Boyer Republican Edward A Bigier Democrat and James Johnson Prohibition A light vote cast very little interest manifested the election of Boyer by decided majority being a foregone conclusion Hart Republican lor State Treasurer in 1887 had a plurality of 45246 and returns from 27 counties including Philadelphia received up to 11 show a net Republican gain over 1887 of about 25000 plurality will surely exceed 60000 12:30 a Returns received from 57 ot 67 counties in the State and including Philadelphia and Alleghany counties show a plurality for Boyer Republican fr State treasurer of 62115 over Bigler Democrat Colorado Denver Col Nov 5 The weather is cold and cloudy Election for county officers and two district judges passed off quietly A very light vote was cast There were three tickets in the field Republican Democratic and Peoples As considerable scratching was done it is impossible to give the result at this hour but a number of leading Republicans express the opinion that the entire Republican ticket is defeated Well Pleased with the Workings of the Australian' System By Associated Prb-s to The Trilmne Boston Nov 5 The weather in Massachusetts cloudy and cool with the prospects of a continuance of fur weather eonditions throughout the day and the casting of an average vote The Australian system so far reported working well Sixty towns outside of Boston give Brackett 8508 Russell 4978 Tbe same towns in 1887 gave Ames 10665 Lovering 5693 218 precincts of this city give Brackett (Rep '21417' Russell (Dem) 26097 80 towns and 368 precincts of Boston give Brackett 33070 Russell 33297 Russell has made heavy losses in Boston but has gained in the towns but not sufficiently to vercome his losses in this city experience has seemed to prove beyond a doubt the success of the Australian system nf voting and testimony from all sections of the State is almost unanimous in its praise In this city tha voting places have presented a remarkably quiet appearance and the scenes therein have in many cases been in marked contrast to those usually witnessed Voting has proceeded with dispatch and voters enjoyed freedom from importunities of ballot distributors that they have never known before Very few cases are reported where instructions as to the method of voting was neoessarv and practically the only aid required was for those who came under the law as blindness or other physical disability unable to mark their While the voters expressed their pleasure at being able to vote without the usual solicitation in the interest ot one candidate or another ward officers were delighted at being able to attend to their duties without being disturbed by the cutomary bustle and disturbance outside tbe rail There was some slight friction eaused by a conflict of opinion with regard to the duties of precinct officers but it was insignificant and made but little trouble Wilh negro to ballots themselves there was little or no complaint From all over the State reports indicate a very quiet election and a ligbt vote Although the vote itself wa conducted as expeditiously as in former years the count was not complete so early and returns come in slowly 283precincts in Boston give Bussell 27-908 Bracket 22810 Only one precinct is now lacking This shows a decrease in the Democratic plurality of 1887 of about 200 and a decrease in plurality ever last year of about 3800 Boston Nov One hundred towns outside of Boston give Bracket 16558 Russell 10912 Blackmer 2191 In 1887 the same towns gave Ames 18424 Lovering 11062 One hundred and ninety-seven towns and cities give Bracket 34076 Russell 27209 The same towns in 1887 gave Ames 23216 Lovering 17431 NEW JERSEY Bolds Her Place Firmly and Bravely io tke Dsmoerstis Column By Associated Press to The Tribune Jersey CrrY Nov 6 The election in Hlidsoaiofintyis'TkssifiY'Dirrquletly and theie is an indication of the polling of an unusually heavy vote It was estimated that nearly one half of the entire registry had been accounted for at the polls 'before noon Reports from various sections of the county as to the manner in which votes are polling is causing much jubilation at the headquarters of the Democratic State Committee Secretary Fork and his fellow officials now assert that Leon Abbett is certainly elected Governor and that the Democrats will assuredly control the Assembly if they do not capture the State Senate as well Similar claims are being made by the representatives ot the Republican State Committee in regard to their party candidates Newark Nov 6 An unusually large vote was polled throughout the State almost as large as in the Presidential year Slowly coming returns verify this Hudson PaSsaic Essex Burlington and other Southern counties have polled a tremendously big vote Indications are that Abbett Democrat for Governor has carried the State In Essex county it is estimated that the Democrats have elected six of ten Assemblymen Jersey jCity Nov 5 Returns are coming in slowly from various portions of the State and figures most cases will ot be obtajnable to-night There is every indication at a sweeping Democratic victory Newark Nov 5 Returns received from Hudson Passaic and most of the Southern counties show that Abbett for Governor has carried the State The Democrats in Essex county is estimated have elected 6 of 10 assemblymen Nashville Kaees By tesociated Press to The Tribune 'Nashville Nov 6 First race two year olds and a half furlongs: Happiness won Zufalo second Yashti third time 58 Second race seven and a half furlongs: Amos A won Buckler second Balance third time 1:39 Third race mile and sixteenth: Prince Fortunatus won Monita Hardy second Uarus third time 1:50 Fourth race two year olds five furlongs: Basil Duke won Lizzie second Langstress third timet 1:04 Filth race six and a half furlongs: Dudley won Boy Blue second Regaidles third time 1:25 Mississippi By Associated Press to The Tribune Jackson Miss Nov 5 So little interest was felt in the election there being ne opposition to the Democratic ticket the executive committee have not provided for returns as heretofore Five counties haying local dissensions enjey some little excitement but otherwise the election is unusually quiet and uninteresting Unfavorable weather will make the vote even lighter tham anticipated Voted for Campbell By Associated Press to The Tribune New York Nov 6- A Cincinnati special says: Scratching is the rale and not the exception Negroes in large numbers are voting! for Campbell 'The Ke- Eublicans are charging that the Democrats Eve bought up the darkies The Germans are working for the Democratic ticket straight i 4 Bond Offered By Associated Press to The Tribune Wabbington Nov 6 Bond offering to-day aggregated $266800 'All accepted at $127 for foar per cents and $1 05 for four and a half Democratic Gams in Different Partaof the Mate Hat Not snonh to steUeena Ohio from the Corse ot Republicanism the Shame of iorskerum By Associated Pres- to The Tribune Cincinnati Nov 5 Election day in blessek with unusually fine weather clear and bright with just enough chilliness in the temperature to make the air bracing In this city and county the poles close at 4 Hence a very large votes are cast in the morning beginning at 6 o'clock The fine weather facilitates early voting and in all the precincts heard from at 10 a fully two-thirds of the entire registered vote had been cast The voting so far has been entirely free from any sort ot disorder Under the election law no crowding about the polls is permitted and the old habit of gathering in large numbers about the polling places is entirely broken up indications now is that a full vote will be cast in Cincinnati Columbus Nov 6 Notwithstanding the fine weather the vote seems slow in getting out The Democrats claim the tradiness is principally on the part of the Republicans as the check off from their mils shows a good average per cent of the Democratic vote already in at 1 The polls in Columbus do not close till 6 and plenty ol time remains for getting out Dearly the full registered vote The Democrats have no advantage in registration Columbus Ohio Nov 5 The election in Columbus was one of that most quiet ever experience in this city The monotony has scarely varied by an incident worthy of vote The weather was superb and the Republicans early thought this was an omen of success The registration machinery made voting one of form ratner than excitement Indications are that the registered vote was well gotten out The poles did not close till 6 ni and nothing better tban surmises is to be bad at this hour 8 The Republicans however are feartul of the result A tally has been kept on the head of the ticket in one precinct of the 6th ward (Republican) Columbus and it bhows that 20 Republicans have scratched Foraker and the Republican vote is about 100 short Should other precincts ot the city show anything like this falling off and strong work against head of ticket Republican defeat can be nothing but overwhelming Cincinnati Nov 5 The first news from Ohio to-night is from eight precincts in this city They show Foraker 1445 Campbell 976 Helwig 87 The same precincts in 1887 gave Foraker 134 Powell 749 Seitz 18 This shows an increased vote and a net gain for Campbell ot 123 The plurality for Foraker in the State in 1887 was 23329 Cincinnati Nov -The Enquirer Hamilten county by 5000 At 9:30 the' opiaion is general that Hamilton county has gone for Campbell by from 4000 to 5000 This estimate is made by tbe Lincoln club and is corroborated by figures received by the board of elections The young men Democratic club has just put out a bulletin saying that Hamilton county is Democratic by a plurality of 6000 In one hundred and nineteen precincts in Ohio outside of Cincinnati Foraker has 15810 Campbell 13000 Helwig 1000 The same places in 1387 Foraker 15403 Powell 12544: Sharp 930 One hnndred and one of the 170 precincts in Cincinnati gave Campbell a plurality of 2610 This indicates lor the city and county a majority for Campbell of 4386 which will be a Democratic gain in Hamilton connty of 11000' This would lmve a little over 12000 in other portions of the State to be overcome by Campbell 100 precincts in ohio outside of Cincinnati give Foraker 12007 Campbell 11290 Helwig 697 The same in 1887 gave Foraker 12597 Powell 10173 Sharp 682 The loss by Foraker of Hamilton county which a plurality of nearly 7000 two years Rgo has been largely effected by defection in German Republican wards Losses some of these wards amounts to more than 200 votes result was not anticipated by the Republicans as they were confident late this afternoon that the detection in the German quartes was trifling While the losses ol Foraker were not confined to these wards they are much more marked there than other porsions Returns also show that especially in the German wards the head of the ticket was the thing most squarely hit by the Republican scratchers This leaves tbe hope to Republican calculators at midnight that at least one Senator on the Republican ticket may be elected The Commercial Gazette commenting on the result in Hamilton county says it is an outgrowth of the Sunday question Saloon legislation did not seem to be a disturbing thing but rather the bad administration of the Sunday laws was the cause of discontent among the Germans The estimate at midnight is that Campbell will caray Hamilton county by over 6000 Four hunered and sixty-thiee precincts in Ohio outside of Hamilton county give Foraker 66976 Campbell 63181 Helwig 3534 same in 1887 Foraker 65-788 Powell 58362 Sharp 3532 This shows an average gain of 78 per precinct for Campbell Fourteen precincts in Toledo 6how a gain for Foraker of 144 The Prohibition vote is aimost identical throughout the State with that of 1887 Mahone shouldered Mia Shotgun Washington Oct 5 A special from Petersburg says that a crowd of Democrats marched to General house at 10:50 this evening and entering hss yard began te fire rockets and Roman candles some of them beitg aimed at the house General Mahone shouldered his shotgun and some ef his friends went with to the yard whereupon tbe crowd dispersed There was no policeman abou Nebraska By Associated Press to The Tribune Lincoln Neb Nov 6 The day was fair all over the State but tbe vote was not large Returns are coming in slowly Nothing has been heard so far to change the estimate of a Republican majority of 1 HOOU to 20000 FAIL TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY IN THE OLD DOMINION HEAVY DEMOCRATIC GAINS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE AND THE MAJORITY MAY EXCEED TWENTY THOUSAND MAHONE ARRESTED FOn SHOOTING A MAN YESTERDAY -MAHONE NEGROES ARRESTED FOR 1 FRAUDULENT VOTING NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY BOTH SAFELY DEMOCRATIC ENCOURAGING DEMOCRATIC GAINS IN OHIO COUNTIES REPUBLICAN MAJORITY IN IOWA GREATLY REDUCED Th election In Masaarliusetts and Meagre Ktnrm from Oihsrtitaiu Indleate ttiat It Wa Mot a Bad Bay for Democracy A forecast Coming Democratic Victories Richmond Nov 6 The weather opened cloudy this moruing but coel Indications are that a full vote is being polled throughout the State Both parties in this city had their forces at the early but while the Democrats have been voting steadily the negroes have not as yet turn ed out in their usual strength at this hour juntrary'Littfmpctittwireof mry-'-wp to noon not a ripple ot discord lias oceur-' Ted between the two parties The Demo crate are in high feather aDd appear confident of victory by a large majority The Republicans are not faltering in their belief of success but they will not name figures alleging that it is too early in the day Much interest is manifested in the election and but little business is being transacted Many of those who have already voted have begun to gather in knots on the streets and others to visit the newspaper offices vainly searching for election news which is as yet scant with the professional gatherers Norfolk Va Nov 5 Weather fair and pleasant Election progressing quietly but actively In two precincts thiee negroes have been arrested in the act of putting double tickets in the box The outlook is for the largest Democratic vote ever Dolled in this district The Mehublicans are also active From present indications the Democrats will make decided gain ever last fall in Norfolk ond Portsmouth Winchester Va Nov Weather fair and a large vote being polled both aides active and there aie no evidences of any fraud Lkxington Va Nov Weather bright cool and bracing and an unusually large vote being polled all over this (Rockbridge) county The vote is unprecedented at this precinct for mid-day The Democrats are leading here with a good majority and the same reports have been received from other sections of the county From present indications Mahone will he beaten here by two hundred or more Everything quieL Danville Va Noy 6 Weather clear and balmy voting on both sides lively whites for McKinney and negroes for Mahone almost io a man Several negroes have been arrested for trying to vote double ballots One negro attempted to vote a batch of tickets folded into one indications point to a full vote in Danville and vicinity Danville and North Danville will give an unprecedented majority for the Democratic ticket All quiet and no disturbance LTNCHBVRq Va Nov The weather was beautiful and a heavy vote being polled A great many negroes voted the Democratic ticket The Democrats will carry the city by a largely increased ma- jority Charlotte Van Nov 5 Weather bright voting fast There has been no disturbance except the arrest of a negro "for interference with voters The infMca-' cations are that a heavy vote will be polled Ft Monroe Nov 6 The day is cool and partially eloudy A heavy vote is being polled 1 Roanoke Nov The day opened beautifully and the weather fine A very full vote is being polled but everything is passing off quietly The town is sack a busy one that people cast their ballots and return to business at once very few whites remaining about the polls Harrisonburg Va Nov 6 Weather is fine Voc is not quite as full as at this time last year Many white and colored Republicans are voting against Mahone Indications are that this precinct which gave Harrieon 141 majority will give at least 60 Jor A pretty full vote being polled The colored vote is nearly solid for Mahone The Democrats will probably carry the city by' 150 majority Hume Dem crat) for House of delegates will likely be elected Fairfax county it is thought will go Democratic by a small estimated as follows: Franklin Demo cratic by 1000 Democratic gain of Patrick majority of 250 small Democratic gain Henry 80 Republican majority good Democratic gain Henry county probably elects a Republican member ot the legislature but Peters Democrat is elected to the senate from Patrick and Henry Petersburg Va Nov Mahone has just been arrested for shooting a man named Heibert Harrison Lexington Va Nov 5 Fifteen fj4 the seventeen precincts in Rockbridge county show a Democratic majority of 481 a gain of 572 over the Cleveland vote 1 Norfolk Va Nov The elections in thiadistrict passed off quietly except in two preciacts in NoYfolk county In one precinct the judges asked the authors Uea fo ab tie -tuxbaii DC i uuited without further trouble At Glebes precinct in the same county the negroes attempted to break into a polling place when a pistol was fired and trouble seemed immiaent tor a while Tne election officers keep cool and the authorities soon had the mob under control Fearing more trouble the Old Dominion Guards of Portsmouth were sent to the scene of disturbance but their services were not needed and they returned home immediately The shot fired struck a colored man in the crowd The wound while painful is not fatal Portsmouth gives a Democratic majority of about 500 a gain ot 66 Staunton Va Nov 5 Augusta county and Staunton give a Democratic majority of 2000 a Democratic gain of 1000 Reports from Alleghany indicate that the county gives McKinney 300 gain over 1888 Rocubridge and Buckingham show heavy Democratic gains Mahone was badly scratched Norfolk Nov 5 Returns at midnight indicate that this Congressional district which gave 6400 Republican majority last year has gone Democratic by a small majority and several Democratic members of the legislature have been gained Portsmouth City gives a Democratic majority ol 831 a gain of 497 Wikchlster Va Nov Clark county gives McKinney 550 majority a gain of one hundred and 6enenty-flve Richmond Nov 5--Thefollowingcoun-ties at midnight show Democratic majorities: Mathews 457 gain 49 Culpeper 600 gain 377 Fauquiar 1200 gain 217 Rapan-hanock 85b gain 375 Pulaski 225 gain 148 WarreD 879 gain 65 Botetourt 500 gain 158 King George 20 gain 98 Namsemond 150 gain 551 Washington 700 gain 482 King and Queen 150 gam 21 Bedlord 1860 gain 689 Shenandoah 450 gain 497 Hanoner 450 gain 240 Cities show majorities as follows: Richmond 5364 gain 3426 Manchester 411 gam 256 Norrolk 1500 gain 2036 The Democrats probably gained a senator in Norfolk county and in Portsmouth Alexandria Va Nov 5 Intelligence received at the State Democratic headquarters up to 1 this a loads the State committee to believe that McKinney has been elected by 35000 and that the Domocrats will have over three-fourths majority in the House and over two-thirds in the Senate Chicago By Associated Piess to The Tubune Chicago Nov 6 To-night at 830 the election had the appearance of a Democratic victory About half the city vote had been counted but the returns from outside towns in the county were meagre It was generally conceded that the Democrats had captured the Board of County Commissioners which will stand 10 to 6 instead of being a tie with an independent holding the deciding vote The The Recordership in which the most interest centered is a neck and neck race between the soldier candidate Stephens Republican and the labor leader Crawford Democratic Indications at 8:30 slightly favored Crawford Iowa By Associated Press to The Tribune Des Moines Nov 6 Returns so far received show a very light vote with sligut Democratic gains over 1887 The State Register claims election with probably 8000 plurality The first ten precincts give Hutchinson 965 Boies 6)8 a net Republican gam ot 89 i.

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