The News-Virginian from Waynesboro, Virginia (2024)

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The News-Virginiani

Waynesboro, Virginia

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THE NEWS VIRGINIAN Waynesboro Va Wednesday October 7 1970 15 Break ins Magnify Salesmen Warning Augusta and Nelson County Sheriffs today repeated their oft spoken public warnings against the tactics of itinerate magazine salesmen Augusta Sheriff John Kent and Nelson Sheriff William Whitehead joined in urging housewives particularly to be wary of the door to door magazine salesman who they said may or may not be con cerned with magazine sales Both law enforcement officers said they have been plagued recently with complaints about unethical or illegal conduct by itinerate door to door salesmen many of whom have reportedly obtained money under false pretenses The arrest this week of two out of state salesmen on burglary charges pointed up the warnings of the law enforcement officers The pair David Warford 20 of Abilene Tex and Ronald Matlock 19 of Pineville La are charged with burglaries in both Augusta and Nelson Counties Sheriff Kent and Sheriff Whitehead said their method of operation has been to go to a home under the pretense of selling magazines then break into die place if no one is at home After reportedly kicking in the door of the Calvin Page home near Brents Mountain in Nelson County the7 two were said to have been surprised by Mr Page who had been sleeping Warford and Matlock reportedly tried to explain their action by telling Mr Page that they broke in because they believed the house to be on fire In addition to this apparent burglary attempt the two are further charged in Nelson County with the burglary of the Earl itzgerald home on Creek where a radio jewelry stamps and other items were reported stolen Matlock is charged in Augusta County with two counts of burglary at the Arnold Doyle apartment in Highland Hills and the Joe Howell home at Stuarts Draft Warford is charged on the same two counts in addition to a second burglary at the Howell home They were jailed in Staunton in lieu of $5000 bond Sheriff Kent and Sheriff Whitehead noted that magazine salesmen are required to register in their respective of fices but emphasized that registration should not be taken by the public as an endorsem*nt The two law enforcement officers urged people to be ex tremely cautious about con tracts they sign with itinerate door to door salesmen Both suggested that it is a good idea not to give money to or sign a contract with someone who is not known locally ormer Nelsonian Held in 5 Murders JACKSONVILLE la A drifter charged with the rob tery murders of five persons that netted less than $500 was arrested here Tuesday night as he waited to board a bus back to St Petersburg 30 miles from the death scene Henry Thomas Ashley 27 was unarmed when federal and state agents took him into custody on a warrant charging him with flight to avoid prosecution He was scheduled to appear before US Commissioner Donald Dehoff in Jacksonville today on the unlawful flight charge According to Nelson County Sheriff William Whitehead Ashley had lived in both Nelson and Amherst counties as a child Sheriff Whitehead said Ashley was apprehended in Nelson County about a year and a half ago on a warrant from Missouri Pasco County authorities Mon day charged Ashley with the murders of two couples in a roadside tavern near New Port Richey and the death of a hitch hiker whose bullet riddled body was found on a Gulf Coast beach Sunday WA Alexander special agent for the BI said Ashley may have been returning from Vir ginia when collared at the downtown Greyhound bus sta tion Ashley was described by Pas co County Sheriff Basil Gaines as an ex convict from Ports mouth Va Gaines said Ashley had served a prison sentence for grand larceny in Virginia The BI said its agents had been posted at North lorida bus stations since Monday when au thorities learned that Ashley had boarded a bus in Dade City that was en route to Jackson ville Dade City is about 40 miles north of New Port Richey a quiet retirement city on lor west coast Ashley was unarmed when he was with no prob the BI said In New Port Richey Sheriff Gaines said 20 year old Richard La Plante was killed by a mo torist who gave him a ride late Saturday night La body pierced by ten 22 caliber bullets was found on a beach early Sunday by fishermen The bodies of Mr and Mrs Andrew Dorn and Mr and Mrs Phillip Vaiana were discovered in the restaurant tavern about noon Sunday Ladd estival Set Oct 29 The Ladd Elementary School Parent Teacher Association will sponsor its first fund raising project Oct 29 at the school This project will be a all estival centering around a Halloween theme There will be food games and prizes for the children a movies white elephant sale a bazaar booth and a bake sale among other booths The money made on this project will go toward supplying more books for the library and other needed items for the school a PTA spokesman said Vote on New By laws Scheduled A large part of Waynesboro YMCA Board of Directors meeting was devoted to discussion of a new set of by laws The board is preparing to present for membership ratification a new set of by laws that would place control of the local organization in the hands of corporate members A cor porate member is one who contributes $50 or more annually to the capital fund of the organization The board decided yesterday to post the new by laws which are changed very little from the old except for the provision for corporate membership in conspicuous places in the building An amendment will be included which provides for a certain percentage probably 30 or 40 per cent of the Board of Directors to be made up of regular members The new by laws will be presented for ratification at the annual meeting set for 7:30 pm Nov 24 in the building Harry Gianakos speaking for the membership committee reported a gain of 45 members in the during the month of September Total individual membership now stands at 2291 he said This compares with approximately 2400 at the same time last year and a high of some 3000 the first year of operation Richardson general secretary said ballroom dancing will be offered this fall along with increased programs in volleyball and hand ball Physical Director John Jennings said that interest has been in gym classes this fall with par ticipation double what it was the same time last year The adult fitness program is showing good results he added and pointed to one woman who had been able to reduce her heartbeat 480 beats an hour during the past year through a systematic program of exercise He also announced that members of the Leaders Club will go to Bristol this weekend to attend a two day clinic on theory and practice in gym class in struction President Charles McClung reported that slightly more than $4000 will be paid on the building fund note very shortly As of Aug 31 the balance on the note was $108720 Light Bulb Towel Sale Scheduled Waynesboro Jaycees announced today that they will conduct a door to door sale of light bulbs and calendar tea towels on Oct 12 14 The prices will be $2 for a family pack of eight light bulbs and $125 for the tea towels Proceeds will benefit Jaycee community projects 4 KHr ASSOCIATE wni7 I it it rBlhAfl agatv Tr amity AaAL WINNING This float won first place last night in the float division of the United und parade It shows a key unlocking a big heart and asks onlookers to open their hearts during the campaign The float was prepared by the Waynesboro Area Association of Retarded Children i Photo by Alwood The News Virginian CitySCounty State Waynesboro Staunton Augusta Albemarle Nelson Rockbridge Rockingham arm Bureau Still Opposed to Code By Staff Writer STAUNTON Augusta senior planner told members of the Augusta County arm Bureau ederation last night that any building code should be tailored to the needs Harold Ralston speaking to approximately 30 persons at the annual policy development meeting added that the common good of all residents a valid and good building code that is reasonably enforced is be brought to the full mem bership at the Oct 26 annual membership meeting However those present last night also recommended that the Bureau have a committee to work with county officials on any drafting of a building code have to protect one member stated Mr Ralston pointed out that there is current active effort to enact a (building) He added that planning consultants will probably recommend to the Board of Supervisors that a code aB A 4 ZJ jCa nr jHH GORDON PATTERSON (left) is congratulated on his election as president of the Sherando Lyndhurst Ruritan Club by outgoing President Tench Other officers elected last night were James Davis vice president rank Bridgeforth secretary Larry Ryan treasurer and Martin Wheeler three year director (N Photo by Curtis) Beyeler Heads Ladd Ruritans By Staff Writer LADD David Beyeler was elected president of the Ladd Ruritan Club last night succeeding Charles Clements Others elected were: Larry Palmer vice president Nelson Driver secretary Lewis Gurkin treasurer and William Wooten three year director Chief rost of the Waynesboro ire Department was the featured guest He gave a talk on fire prevention Accepted into membership during last meeting was Robert Richardson A report from the industrial committee was heard on the objection to undesirable industry at Hickory Hill The next meeting scheduled for Nov 3 will be Night Blaze Helps Prevent Itself Maybe because this is ire Prevention Week but the unexpected happened last night: a fire put itself out Waynesboro ire Chief rost said today that an electric line shorted in a cooler at the Palace Restaurant on Main St just after 11 last night The electric short then arced to a drain line and burned a hole in it Sparks from all this shorting and arcing burned a hole in a CO2 hose The CO2 gas then put the fire out No significant damage was done Chief rost said Ruritans Name Leaders By Staff Writer SHERANDO Gordon Patterson has been elerted president of the Sherando Lyndhurst Ruritan Club for the coming year He succeeds Tench Others elected during a meeting last night were: James Davis vice president rank Bridgeforth secretary Larry Ryan treasurer and Martin Wheeler three year director Members discussed the Zone 2 meeting to be held at Mint Spring riday night and the District Convention scheduled for Nov 13 at Ingleside Photo Class Moved Here Has Openings A black and white photography class organized and begun at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville will now be meeting in Waynesboro at the Waynesboro High School according to A Yoder in structor of the course The move necessitated for darkroom facilities allows some openings Persons desiring to enter the course may register in the photo offset room at the high school The non credit course has been organized in Waynesboro several times before and taught by Mr Yoder who is general supervisor of Waynesboro Public Schools Mr Yoder said the class is for beginners and includes basic instruction in use of the camera taking pictures developing film and printing enlargements He said portrait photography is included as are many other special effects obtainable in printing The class will be meeting from 6 30 to 8 30 each Thursday Parade Turnout May be Largest was one of the finest nights and finest parades ever This is how Waynesboro Police Chief Benson described the United und parade last night through the downtown area The weatherman certainly cooperated by providing ideal weather The ishburne Military School band marched in shirtsleeves looking com fortable and sharp while some teen age watchers sported Bermudas The high school and military school bands played the old cars chugged along majorettes strutted and twirled and fire engines roared their motors to the delight of young and old alike The number of people who turned out to watch the kickoff parade of the United $165000 campaign drive may have been the largest ever to watch a parade in the city While police did not have a crowd estimate today they pointed out that people lined Main St all the way from McElroy St where the parade started through the downtown area and out Wayne Ave to Eleventh St Near the intersections at Wayne and Broad and at Wayne and Eleventh the crowds were three and four deep The parade which featured more than 50 units took between 45 minutes and an hour to pass any given point Parade Winners Riverheads High School Band won $100 first prize band category with Augusta Military Academy picking up $75 as second place winner Waynesboro High School band won $50 for third place In the novelty division the Kirby Trains won $25 first prize There were no other awards in this division The Dette Twirling Corps won $30 prize money for first place in die majorette division In the float division The Waynesboro Area Association of Retarded Children won $50 for first place The Girl float won $30 second place money and the Waynesboro YMCA float won $20 third place money Trophies were awarded to Waynesboro ire Department (first place) and Dooms Volunteer ire Company (second place) in the fire truck category Judges for the parade were Charles Breithaupt Mr and Mrs Gene Chambers Mrs William Morris and Walker Norford Naturalist Speaks Here On riday Elmer Onstott of erguson Mo the man who celebrated his 70th birthday by walking the entire Appalachian Trail will speak at 7:30 pm riday in Waynesboro to persons in terested in the outdoors and in photography Mr Onstott began his hike in April of 1968 and completed it in the late fall when snow covered the northern terminus in Maine He turned 70 en route During his 2000 mile hike he found that the trail is often poorly marked or not marked at all and sometimes he got lost This happened at least once at night during a heavy rainstorm But Mr Onstott lias said that while he was alone in what is almost a wilderness a great feeling of peace and freedom came over him By profession a machinist until his retirement seven years ago he has also been a semi professional photographer for many years publishing color photographs in a number of magazines He took color slides throughout his long walk and will use a selection from them to illustrate his talk when he speaks riday in the auditorium of The News Virginian Mr Onstott lived principally on honey raisins cheese berries and nuts during his hike and found the diet so healthy that he has since become an advocate of foods His talk here in Waynesboro is open to anyone interested in nature or in hearing his account of his odyssey PROGRAM AT CHURCH Pair Nabbed the Apparently disagreeing with him the arm Bureau members voted to recommend reaf firmation of the op position to such a code for Augusta County The matter will By Staff Writer STAUNTON An apparent burglary was thwarted here last night when city police caught two men in the Speed and Sport Center at 612 Augusta St Detectives said George Spencer 24 of 208 Green St and David Kier 18 of 310 Green St were in the of burglarizing the sport shop about 11 pm Both were jailed in lieu of bond according to the report The pair had gained entry to the building through a basem*nt door then climbed a flight of stairs to the store level police said Chill in New Thiokol Post I ty: it Leonard Chill Leonard Chill of 732 Northgate Ave formerly technical superintendent at the Thiokol ibers Division in Waynesboro has been promoted to assistant director of operations according to General Manager John Anderson Jr Mr Chill has held various positions within the manufacturing and research and development departments since his employment in October 1967 He holds a BS degree in textile engineering from Leeds University of England He is married to the former Ella Nichols of England They have three children Susan 13 David 11 and Benjamin 5 Ag Students County Jury List Is Drawn or October By Staff Writer STAUNTON The names of the following Augusta County residents have been drawn for possible petty jury duty during the October term of Circuit Court Those listed below however should not report for duty until notified to do so: Allen Simmons Colin Daggy Owen Harner Howard Alexander Joseph A Humbert Claude Jordan Jr Russell Diehl Walter Strickler Bobby Dale David Thomas Humphries Alexander Mcall Dickson and Ray Kimble Also Billie Wade Jr I Wagner Tracy Crousehorn William Diehl Galen Myers Asron Jones Marvin Campbell Edwin Yowell May William Swecker David Geiman Elmer Koogler and Conrad Lawrence Also Moffett Jr Gordon Craig Rodney A Andrews Ralph Musgrave Richard Taylor Louise Lantis Glenwood Balsley Jr John DeCamillis Cline Jr William Sparks Carroll auber Charles Patterson and Wilson Cox Also Edward Parker William Oswald Dundas Aubrey Carr Guy Brooks James Patterson Herman Cook Willard Cline John Dooms Berkeley Garber John Coyner Belle Karicofe and Charles retwell Aid Crewmen Log our Calls The Waynesboro irst Aid Crew answered four calls in the past 24 hours A man sick on Main St yesterday afternoon was taken to Waynesboro Community Hospital A little later crewmen took a victim with a possible broken collarbone from a ballfield at Lyndhurst to WCH Last evening a boy hurt his leg at Waynesboro High School and was taken to WCH At 7:25 this morning a man who was dead on arrival was taken from Ellison Cir to WCH be developed along with the master plan now being worked on He said that need to go slowly and design a code to fit the needs and then employ the qualified people who understand the code to ad minister it effectively and carry out its Among other recom mendations approved last night for possible action at the annual membership meeting: That the Augusta County School Board be elected by county voters That the county and the cities of Waynesboro and Staunton work more closely on matters such as water sewage trash collection fire and police protection and schools economic That the Virginia arm Bureau ederation Board of Directors a method for year round school and request the next session of the General Assembly to take steps to have a study and recom mendation from the State Board of Education for adoption of a state wide plan to implement this That amounts of welfare money spent each month in cluding payments to welfare clients and salaries of depart ment personnel be made available to the public It was pointed out by a member of the group that federal statutes do not permit this That assessment of the property of public service corporations be done by the State Department of Taxation rather than the State Cor poration Commission Augustan Sentenced In Assault By Staff Writer STAUNTON An Augusta County man Houston Lawhorn of Route 1 Raphine was given a 30 day suspended jail sentence along with a fine of $100 and costs following his conviction on charges of assault and being drunk in public In another case a Buena Vista housewife Mrs Arnona Kerr was convicted on a charge of throwing trash on a public high way and fined $25 and costs for the offense The two cases were among those heard yesterday by Augusta County Court Judge Desmond Wray Jr who also heard these others: Hear Howes Bv Staff Writer DEIANCE Dr Howes head of the poultry science department of Virginia Polytechnic Institute last night spoke to a group of about 90 Augusta County high school students and parents on the opportunities for a career in agriculture Dr Howes emphasized the importance of food producers in society and the value of a degree in the field of agriculture The meeting which was preceded by a covered dish supper in die cafeteria of Defiance High School was arranged by the county high school guidance departments through the agriculture classes All students interested in careers in agriculture and their parents were invited to attend ire Safety Said A Must (The following article is published in cooperation with the Waynesboro ire Department now observing ire Prevention Week) By ATKINSON Waynesboro ire Dept ire could destroy your home or take a loved one from you upsetting your home life We take too much for granted since we have had no fires in our home ires can strike in your home as well as the next Did you ever stop to think about your fire department and what it stands for? Yes YOUR fire department Gary Robertson Route 2 Stuarts Draft reckless driving $50 and Marvin Parrish Route 1 Crimora reckless driving by speeding 88 mph in a 55 mie zone $70 and costs with a 60 oay license revocation Richard Campbell Waynesboro operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license $10 and costs Wanda Argenbright 207 St Clair St Staunton operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license dismissed Charles A Stuart 1049 Albemarle Ave Waynesboro operating a motor vehicle witnout a driver's license dismissed Madelin Evelyn Taylor Route 1 Waynesboro operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license dismissed Mitchell Atkinson Waynesboro operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license or registration card dismissed Jack Clemmer Route 2 Stuarts Draft operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license dismissed Harold Johnson Route I ishersville operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license dismissed Timothy Gum Route 1 Churchville speeding $10 and costs Joseph auber Vesuvius speeding $20 and costs Emory Abshire Route 2 Staunton operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license $10 and costs James Botkin Churchville operating a motor vehicle with improper equipment $10 and costs Harold wells 105 Clifford St Staunton reckless driving reduced to improper driving $15 and costs Granville 0 Talley Jr 337 James Ave Waynesboro speeding $10 and costs Eugene Rodenberger Route 3 Waynesboro failure to yield the right of An article prepared by the United Community und should have stated yesterday that the Self Care Training Program (day nursery) of the Waynesboro Area Association for Retarded Children is operated at irst Presbyterian Church BAKE SALE SET There will be a bake sale in front of Newberry Co beginning at 9 :30 am Saturday sponsored by the Women of the Massie Memorial Church of God in Christ Your fire department puts out home fires when they happen but your fire department also tries to educate you to spot fire hazards in your home A well educated home with a fire safety program is a peaceful home and a safe home way $10 and costs McGINNIS INSTALLED SHIPMAN (Special) Bernard McGinnis of Ship man has been installed as a new member of the State Advisory Board of the Salvation Army.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.